Resident Couple


The Resident Couple are under the supervision of the HFM Care & Counsel committee. The role of the Resident Couple of HFM is to support the spiritual life and social life of the Meeting. Duties include maintaining a welcoming presence for Friends and guests, and ensuring the upkeep, cleanliness, safety, and security of the meetinghouse and grounds, including a few guest rooms.

With each new two-year term and set of new Residents (RC), who bring fresh Quaker perspectives to the Meeting, the Honolulu Friends Meeting community is enriched. RC participation within the life of the Meeting differs, based on the interests and gifts of each Resident. Some have visited elderly or ill Friends, some have participated in the spiritual or social concerns of the Meeting, and others may minister through their quiet devotion and daily living.

Residents are encouraged to discuss their leadings with the Care and Counsel (C&C) committee. Every Friend is a unique asset to the Meeting and is greatly valued for his/her/their unique spirit. Getting to know, and being known by the Friends of HFM is an integral part of the caretaking experience. These relationships are beneficial for the life of the Meeting and will support the Resident Couple in unique and memorable ways. We encourage RC to take time to learn about Hawaii's unique history and peoples and be good listeners.

The Resident Couple are provided rent‐free one bedroom / bathroom in the Meetinghouse, which includes paid utilities, shared garage, laundry and WiFi. A modest yearly stipend is provided, with economy round-trip airfare and some moving expenses covered. The RC are expected to take one day off per week and one month off per year.

HFM is a midsize Friends Meeting with about 35 members and attenders at weekly worship (pre-pandemic), and 75 in our membership rolls. Our meetinghouse is located in a residential neighborhood near the University of Hawaii at Manoa. We are part of Pacific Yearly Meeting and Friends General Conference.